St. John's Lutheran Church
Bridgeport, West Virginia
Welcome to St. John's!
A Christian congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Thank you for taking time to check out our website! You'll find a lot of information here including what the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is, what our pastor looks like, what we believe, how to find us, etc.
While there is plenty you can learn about us by exploring this site, the best way to get to know St. John's Lutheran Church is to meet us! No matter whether your experience of church in the past has been positive or negative, come by and give us a chance. See what we're about.
At St John’s, we recognize we are all sinners in need of forgiveness and we receive with joy the forgiveness offered through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every time we gather we pray, forgive, receive forgiveness and strength, sing, learn, and greet one another in the Lord. We won't expect you to be perfect. We aren't. We won't expect you to know our hymns and liturgy by heart either. But we know that if you come with open ears and an open mind, God is going to work on you. He is going to teach you through the worship, hymns, sermon, and the people around you. We know He's going to do this because He does it for us every week. Come and see!
We gather together on Sundays at 10 am for Sunday School and 11 am for Sunday Worship.
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church
721 Hall St
Bridgeport, WV 26330
If you have any questions before meeting us in person just click the "Contact" button. The Lord Jesus bless you!